Here it is! My own blog. Thanks to the talents of my beautiful, talented, wonderful, artsy, savey oldest daughter I know have my own blog. I now just need to decide how to articulate my thoughts. Thanks Brittney for gett'n this up and going. And thanks Taylor for helping me get in so I can actually use it.
I wanted to start a blog as a way to let my voice be heard. Not in any confrontational or bantering sort of way but in an articulate, thought provoking way. Ok, Ok, I know there are people who know me saying "could that be possible coming from Jeannie?". Well I hope that it can be possible.
So here is my opportunity to publish all those debates I have had going on in my head for years, and my mind has gone blank. But stay tuned something will come soon and it will be a doozy, mark my words!!
Happy first birthday, Salem Grace!
5 years ago
Welcome to the world of blogging about Saudi Arabia! You're now one of a select few.